Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tales Tuesday: The Misadventures of Little Dorian Wade - Mommy's Hospital Prison Break

In a sterile bed among the ill,
Mommy stays against her will.
A double surgery saves her life.
But, recovery causes her strife.
How long she'll stay, none know.
"Sir Walden, we'll save her. Let's go!
Alert and inform the narwhal team."
Rife with skeeters, seeking the bloodstream.
Dorian activates a skeeter spy.
Into the chaos, the drone will fly.

Dorian and Sir Walden don spy gear.
The team sneaks in the microbial frontier.
They slip past the initial security defense.
Once out of view, our skeeters dispense.
They search out Mommy's bed.
Dorian views video, seeing what's ahead.
Nurses swat at our skeeter, but miss.
Sir Walden enjoys the realism of this.
Finding its target, Mommy bats it out of existence.
Dorian orders, "move!" after the video silence.

Entering the elevator, the team beams with glee.
Sir Walden jumps at the wall, lighting up Three.
They exit and head for Mommy's bed.
The obstacle course looks strenuous ahead.
Avoiding gurneys and a wheelchair,
They smack real skeeters in the air.
There is a closet they briefly hide inside,
While watching a patient go by, not enjoying their ride.
They step back out to complete their quest.
Then they hear a lady who sounds possessed.

That can't be Mommy. She isn't that loud.
The voice complains of desired food that isn't allowed.
They don't seem to understand that diabetes can kill.
Yet, they still smuggle in sweets against the nurse's will.
Then it hits Dorian. We are no different, breaking out a loved one, are we?
Mommy's in here for a reason; I finally see.
But we must still check on her. We've come so far.
We shouldn't waste time since this trip's so bizarre.

At last they enter Mommy's room.
Her face lights up after a look of gloom.
She says, "Hi Dorian, I am happy to see you here!"
Dorian replies "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! We've come to get you! Have no fear!"
The nurse enters with a surprised look in her face.
She scolds, "small children should not be in this contaminated place."
Mommy agrees and says it isn't safe.
She needs to be in here as long as needed, so Dorian doesn't become a waif.
Daddy gathers Dorian and his stuff.
The boy disapproves and lets out a huff.

While at home Daddy puts Dorian on his lap.
He opens the laptop, and they giggle and clap.
They answer a musical video call.
Mommy appears in a window so small.
They talk and play, cry and laugh.
Then in come the medical staff.
They say Mommy served her time and is free to go home.
She says "I'll leave soon after I change clothes and use a comb."
When it comes to family time, the three have a wealth.
Dorian has learned today about taking care of his health.

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