Fungus can be a tasty treat.
They add flavor that can't be beat.
Fungus yeast is used in leavened bread.
There is fungi in a blue cheese spread.
It is in the soy sauce that people consume.
The most popular fungus is the mushroom.
Yet, fungi can be an acquired taste.
Do your homework before trying poisonous ones in haste.
Fungi may not look nice, but try it; you should.
It makes many foods taste good.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thought Experiment Thursday: Cow in the Field
Anxious that he has lost Bessie, his cow, the farmer raises an eyebrow.
The milkman says don't fret after having seen the cow.
But the farmer must confirm that standing in his field is the black and white Bessie, eating grassy chow.
The farmer indeed sees a black and white cow shape and is satisfied.
The milkman checks and sees that Bessie is in fact there, but behind a tree, seeming to hide.
Curiously though, in front of the tree are sheets of black and white paper that are tied.
What did the farmer really see?
Tricks of the mind; can it be?
For surely, he only saw the paper in front of the tree.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Equality for All
Difference in fellow humans shouldn't matter.
It seems we go out of our way to cause friendships to shatter.
It's wrong to see others as small.
Recipients of hatred shouldn't feel this at all.
It shouldn't matter that we make a low or high wage.
It shouldn't matter that sexual orientation causes rage.
It shouldn't matter that one is male or female.
It shouldn't matter if we're a high school dropout or a Ph.D. graduate of Yale.
It shouldn't matter what worldview we hold.
It shouldn't matter that we're young or old.
It shouldn't matter that we are brown, black, or white.
It shouldn't matter what is the status of our height.
It shouldn't matter that we are heavy or thin.
It shouldn't matter if we lose games or win.
It shouldn't matter if we have an extra chromosome.
It shouldn't matter if we have a mansion or no home.
It shouldn't matter if we are an Olympian or physically impaired.
When it comes to scrutiny, no one is spared.
Imagine what it's like to be put into an earthly hell.
We're all human beings and should treat another well.
It seems we go out of our way to cause friendships to shatter.
It's wrong to see others as small.
Recipients of hatred shouldn't feel this at all.
It shouldn't matter that we make a low or high wage.
It shouldn't matter that sexual orientation causes rage.
It shouldn't matter that one is male or female.
It shouldn't matter if we're a high school dropout or a Ph.D. graduate of Yale.
It shouldn't matter what worldview we hold.
It shouldn't matter that we're young or old.
It shouldn't matter that we are brown, black, or white.
It shouldn't matter what is the status of our height.
It shouldn't matter that we are heavy or thin.
It shouldn't matter if we lose games or win.
It shouldn't matter if we have an extra chromosome.
It shouldn't matter if we have a mansion or no home.
It shouldn't matter if we are an Olympian or physically impaired.
When it comes to scrutiny, no one is spared.
Imagine what it's like to be put into an earthly hell.
We're all human beings and should treat another well.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tales Tuesday: The Misadventures of Little Dorian Wade - Mommy's Hospital Prison Break
In a sterile bed among the ill,
Mommy stays against her will.
A double surgery saves her life.
But, recovery causes her strife.
How long she'll stay, none know.
"Sir Walden, we'll save her. Let's go!
Alert and inform the narwhal team."
Rife with skeeters, seeking the bloodstream.
Dorian activates a skeeter spy.
Into the chaos, the drone will fly.
Dorian and Sir Walden don spy gear.
The team sneaks in the microbial frontier.
They slip past the initial security defense.
Once out of view, our skeeters dispense.
They search out Mommy's bed.
Dorian views video, seeing what's ahead.
Nurses swat at our skeeter, but miss.
Sir Walden enjoys the realism of this.
Finding its target, Mommy bats it out of existence.
Dorian orders, "move!" after the video silence.
Entering the elevator, the team beams with glee.
Sir Walden jumps at the wall, lighting up Three.
They exit and head for Mommy's bed.
The obstacle course looks strenuous ahead.
Avoiding gurneys and a wheelchair,
They smack real skeeters in the air.
There is a closet they briefly hide inside,
While watching a patient go by, not enjoying their ride.
They step back out to complete their quest.
Then they hear a lady who sounds possessed.
That can't be Mommy. She isn't that loud.
The voice complains of desired food that isn't allowed.
They don't seem to understand that diabetes can kill.
Yet, they still smuggle in sweets against the nurse's will.
Then it hits Dorian. We are no different, breaking out a loved one, are we?
Mommy's in here for a reason; I finally see.
But we must still check on her. We've come so far.
We shouldn't waste time since this trip's so bizarre.
At last they enter Mommy's room.
Her face lights up after a look of gloom.
She says, "Hi Dorian, I am happy to see you here!"
Dorian replies "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! We've come to get you! Have no fear!"
The nurse enters with a surprised look in her face.
She scolds, "small children should not be in this contaminated place."
Mommy agrees and says it isn't safe.
She needs to be in here as long as needed, so Dorian doesn't become a waif.
Daddy gathers Dorian and his stuff.
The boy disapproves and lets out a huff.
While at home Daddy puts Dorian on his lap.
He opens the laptop, and they giggle and clap.
They answer a musical video call.
Mommy appears in a window so small.
They talk and play, cry and laugh.
Then in come the medical staff.
They say Mommy served her time and is free to go home.
She says "I'll leave soon after I change clothes and use a comb."
When it comes to family time, the three have a wealth.
Dorian has learned today about taking care of his health.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Math Monday: Equilateral Triangle
A perfect triangle has three sides of equal size.
Knowing that such a triangle has three sixty-degree angles makes one wise.
Equal lengths and equal angles.
Such perfection, the mind wrangles.
These can be seen in yield street signs.
I play peg solitaire on shorelines.
We draw food pyramids to learn about what we eat.
Randhurst Village, a mall, is a triangular architectural feat.
The almost complete equilateral "triangles" is even a musical instrument we play.
Cut some card deck diamonds in half at the shorter corners and we have two perfect triangles to display.
The Philippines is a nation whose flag is made with an equilateral triangle, showing their pride.
This geometric shape can be seen worldwide.
Knowing that such a triangle has three sixty-degree angles makes one wise.
Equal lengths and equal angles.
Such perfection, the mind wrangles.
These can be seen in yield street signs.
I play peg solitaire on shorelines.
We draw food pyramids to learn about what we eat.
Randhurst Village, a mall, is a triangular architectural feat.
The almost complete equilateral "triangles" is even a musical instrument we play.
Cut some card deck diamonds in half at the shorter corners and we have two perfect triangles to display.
The Philippines is a nation whose flag is made with an equilateral triangle, showing their pride.
This geometric shape can be seen worldwide.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Product Review Sunday: Exercise
After a Thanksgiving week of eating well,
You've gained a few pounds, which isn't swell.
The gym is packed as you drive by
And besides, your energy level isn't high.
Excuses, excuses. Things I say in my head.
Though, strenuous exercise is activity I truly dread.
My goal is to at least walk every day.
But my new parenthood often leaves me wanting to hit the hay.
Just go outside
And take a stride.
Walk to get the mail.
To the nearest park you could travail.
If you must stay indoors,
Pop in a ten-minute video of workout wars.
Find your groove and your energy will improve.
Whatever you do, just move.
You've gained a few pounds, which isn't swell.
The gym is packed as you drive by
And besides, your energy level isn't high.
Excuses, excuses. Things I say in my head.
Though, strenuous exercise is activity I truly dread.
My goal is to at least walk every day.
But my new parenthood often leaves me wanting to hit the hay.
Just go outside
And take a stride.
Walk to get the mail.
To the nearest park you could travail.
If you must stay indoors,
Pop in a ten-minute video of workout wars.
Find your groove and your energy will improve.
Whatever you do, just move.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Science Saturday: Eclipse
A beautiful event in time and space.
Objects block the light in the right place.
Most common to us are a solar and lunar eclipse.
The objects involved are the shape of an ellipse.
The solar one can blind.
The moon turns copper when properly aligned.
The moon blocks the sun's light.
The Earth blocks the moon on the side that's night.
Such events are somewhat rare.
We like to record these events and share.
Such astronomical events tend to amaze.
We wait all day or night to glimpse this phase.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Black Friday
I have a headache.
Tomorrow, cheesecake.
I only had one nap.
Skyped with baby on my lap.
I ate good food.
In a nice mood.
Need some sleep.
Baby; not a peep.
Getting stuff done.
Pleasing the hon and son.
Tomorrow, Black Friday.
A cause for mayday.
I won't have to bake.
Yes, cheesecake!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Turkey Day!
![]() |
Today's a day when family and friends unite.
All are pleased by a generous invite.
Some arrive by car and some arrive by flight.
Kids play in snow that is powdered and white.
They pretend to duel as a ninja and a knight.
Yet, down here, kids avoid a sun that is way too bright.
Everyone anticipates that first turkey bite.
They gather around the fireplace for heat and ambient light.
They sing songs and sometimes fight.
They work together to assemble dinner with every last creative might.
The turkey fits in the oven, even though the squeeze is tight.
Some play board games and grant life or smite.
Some play trivia games and declare who's wrong or right.
Dinner is served and everyone's faces show delight.
Giving thanks is the child with the smallest height.
Some request a cold zero-calorie Sprite.
The chefs ask how good the food is; the guests answer "quite!"
All say thanks and show they can be polite.
Full bellies make everyone tired so they all say "good night!"
Another year goes by and everyone is alright.
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy its taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Wacky Wednesday: Stroll'n In The Park
To the neighborhoods, we crisscross.
I take the reigns, like a boss.
Go forth Mommy creature.
I wonder what this ride will feature.
I'm riding like a home boy
In my stroller, waving my toy.
A Scotty dog curiously ruffs,
While I eat my veggie puffs.
We make an appearance at the park,
Before the sun goes down and it's dark.
My lion hat is sideways.
I set girls' hearts ablaze.
They see my steel blue eyes.
That big head makes me wise.
All the ladies coo and aww.
I ride by, like I'm the law.
I impress with my ah blah blahs.
I flash my grin. I hear applause.
Mush onward chauffeur!
I take off my hat to fix my coiffure.
Ooh, pretty white kitty!
I can't take you home; what a pity.
I am done showing off my chrome.
Momma Mom Mom! Let's go home.
I take the reigns, like a boss.
Go forth Mommy creature.
I wonder what this ride will feature.
I'm riding like a home boy
In my stroller, waving my toy.
A Scotty dog curiously ruffs,
While I eat my veggie puffs.
We make an appearance at the park,
Before the sun goes down and it's dark.
My lion hat is sideways.
I set girls' hearts ablaze.
They see my steel blue eyes.
That big head makes me wise.
All the ladies coo and aww.
I ride by, like I'm the law.
I impress with my ah blah blahs.
I flash my grin. I hear applause.
Mush onward chauffeur!
I take off my hat to fix my coiffure.
Ooh, pretty white kitty!
I can't take you home; what a pity.
I am done showing off my chrome.
Momma Mom Mom! Let's go home.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thought Experiment Tuesday: The Train Problem
You are a conductor of a rather large and luxurious choo choo train.
You conduct this choo choo train through the valleys of Spain.
Your enjoyment is interrupted by a boisterous radio alert.
An arch nemesis gives an ultimatum of hurt.
Your nemesis turns your attention to the train tracks,
And ultimately to the lives at stake. You can't relax.
Ahead, push the lever left and destroy a thousand Ding Dongs galore.
Push the lever right and the very last Twinkie becomes no more.
Do you save many at the expense of one?
Or do you prevent the tastier option from being terminated; done?
Either choice you disapprove.
What's your move?
You conduct this choo choo train through the valleys of Spain.
Your enjoyment is interrupted by a boisterous radio alert.
An arch nemesis gives an ultimatum of hurt.
Your nemesis turns your attention to the train tracks,
And ultimately to the lives at stake. You can't relax.
Ahead, push the lever left and destroy a thousand Ding Dongs galore.
Push the lever right and the very last Twinkie becomes no more.
Do you save many at the expense of one?
Or do you prevent the tastier option from being terminated; done?
Either choice you disapprove.
What's your move?
Monday, November 19, 2012
Math Monday: Dazzling Division
Dividing is an important math function.
It can be seen in almost every junction.
How many weeks are in a standard year?
Three hundred sixty-five divided by seven days is fifty-two (rounded near).
How many quarters are in a dollar?
One over one divided by one over four, holler!
Switch the one over four to four over one and multiply.
The answer is four quarters for the water we buy.
We divide to find out how many sets are in a whole.
How many touchdowns plus extra kicks are in twenty-one?
By the way, the Cowboys were up by three and they won!
It can be seen in almost every junction.
How many weeks are in a standard year?
Three hundred sixty-five divided by seven days is fifty-two (rounded near).
How many quarters are in a dollar?
One over one divided by one over four, holler!
Switch the one over four to four over one and multiply.
The answer is four quarters for the water we buy.
We divide to find out how many sets are in a whole.
How many touchdowns plus extra kicks are in twenty-one?
By the way, the Cowboys were up by three and they won!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
A Baby's Laughter
We play ball and to Daddy he kicks.
He really has down the basics.
It's fun to kick the ball to Daddy.
It's fun to be picked up my Mommy.
It's fun to use physics to whack
An inert object. Laughter will crack.
Back and forth. To and fro.
The bouncy green ball will go.
We all have fun throwing the ball back and forth.
The boy aims his tiny active legs north.
He kicks and laughs, jumps and wriggles.
The ball hops and rolls, stops and he giggles.
Back and forth. Up and down.
His skill could be renown.
His skill to bring a smile to my face.
He laughs so often. I can't keep pace.
He really has down the basics.
It's fun to kick the ball to Daddy.
It's fun to be picked up my Mommy.
It's fun to use physics to whack
An inert object. Laughter will crack.
Back and forth. To and fro.
The bouncy green ball will go.
We all have fun throwing the ball back and forth.
The boy aims his tiny active legs north.
He kicks and laughs, jumps and wriggles.
The ball hops and rolls, stops and he giggles.
Back and forth. Up and down.
His skill could be renown.
His skill to bring a smile to my face.
He laughs so often. I can't keep pace.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Science Saturday: Dark Matter
Dark matter is the stuff unseen by a telescope.
There has to be more matter, scientists hope.
These are mysterious particles indeed.
Better measuring tools we need.
We can only see what is seen by light.
Yet, what is seen doesn't explain its gravitational might.
There has to be more matter, scientists think.
Dark matter appears to be a galactic hoodwink.
But it has to be there, based on observation;
By watching planet, star, and galaxy rotation.
There isn't enough light stuff to prevent stars from flying apart.
Dark Matter plays nice and holds its light friends to the heart.
Dark energy is but a force which scientists are fonder.
Though, there has to be more matter, scientists ponder.
There has to be more matter, scientists hope.
These are mysterious particles indeed.
Better measuring tools we need.
We can only see what is seen by light.
Yet, what is seen doesn't explain its gravitational might.
There has to be more matter, scientists think.
Dark matter appears to be a galactic hoodwink.
But it has to be there, based on observation;
By watching planet, star, and galaxy rotation.
There isn't enough light stuff to prevent stars from flying apart.
Dark Matter plays nice and holds its light friends to the heart.
Dark energy is but a force which scientists are fonder.
Though, there has to be more matter, scientists ponder.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Food Friday: Delicious Donuts
When I walk into HEB
The smell of fresh donuts hits me.
The sweet, glorious smell of win;
Desiring to pluck dozens to put in my shopping bin.
Lemon-filled and coconut;
Blueberry-filled and almond nut;
Cinnamon powder and sour cream
The rainbow colors make me beam.
Sprinkles and ones of cake;
Cherry-filled, all day they bake.
Bear claws and sugar glazed;
At the selection, I am amazed.
At last, I may soon be a diabetic.
For sugar cravings, I have to learn to be apathetic.
The smell of fresh donuts hits me.
The sweet, glorious smell of win;
Desiring to pluck dozens to put in my shopping bin.
Lemon-filled and coconut;
Blueberry-filled and almond nut;
Cinnamon powder and sour cream
The rainbow colors make me beam.
Sprinkles and ones of cake;
Cherry-filled, all day they bake.
Bear claws and sugar glazed;
At the selection, I am amazed.
At last, I may soon be a diabetic.
For sugar cravings, I have to learn to be apathetic.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Misadventures of Little Dorian Wade: Sea Beast Unleashed
The waters are a cold navy blue
And ahead is a crystal clear view.
A giant squid swims nearby.
The number of life here isn't high.
Captain Aquarius sits in his chair,
Tapping his fingers and donning an inquisitive stare.
He momentarily glances at his number one.
His pilot goes by DeMeow Purrswasion.
Captain Aquarius rolls his eyes.
Perhaps better help won't lead to his demise.
They search for the Cycrocoshark sea beast,
Before it decides to once again feast.
Captain Aquarius has lost too many vital men.
How long has the menace attacked? He doesn't know when.
It is evident, though, that this creature is vicious.
It tears apart prey that it finds delicious.
He stares out the window, plotting his counterplay;
Anything to stop the beast's endless buffet.
It especially finds tasty, the men wearing red.
Perhaps he can be bait, being that he is a redhead.
The proximity alarm sounds. Something huge is near.
Nothing surrounds as the crew's faces show fear.
Captain Aquarius knows the beast is closing in.
Through the blue void, appears a large dorsal fin;
Underneath, the body is indeed a bizarre sight.
The Captain senses he's about to enter a fight.
He is, of course, right. The beast is heading their way.
The crew assay the situation to prevent becoming the next soufflé.
Turning enough, the submarine displays a near miss.
The creature is persistent and its pursuit it will not dismiss.
Captain Aquarius boomingly commands, "do not lose it!"
A course change demands hall stress, but the hall should not split.
The crew hears creaking as they turn and brace.
Full engines burst as they enter a chase.
Closing in, the Captain orders "fire a torpedo to end this fight!"
"Torpedo away" a man shouts, but the beast banks right.
The chase has reversed as now the creature is behind.
Options have now certainly severely declined.
The beast is very agile and quick;
Seemingly going the speed of super sonic.
Just when Captain Aquarius is about to save the day,
Daddy walks in the bathroom with a red gummy in his mouth, part way.
"Daddy, what are you eating?"
He replies, "gummy vitamin," while seating.
"My vital men...YOU...ate them; how could you?"
"Because they're delicious! I really wanted two!"
Dorian's lip forms into a downward curl.
The tub begins draining as the sub and beast swirl.
Daddy offers, "I'll buy you more."
Dorian responds, "My vital men, you can't restore."
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Cool November
When the air grows cold,
A jacket-less parade is bold;
Canaries chirp in the fall;
Kids, at lunch, play basketball;
Yachts sail by in the cool bay breeze;
Winter will soon bring on a freeze;
Enjoyment ensues of endless days of hot soup;
Destroying enemies in a gaming alliance group;
Napping under a cozy comforter and velvet sheet;
Ever so slight is the smell of burning mesquite;
Sipping on warm apple cider;
Dangling in a tree, like a spider;
A festival to celebrate for no good reason;
Youth enjoy this change in season.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thought Experiment Tuesday: schrÖDINger's kitty
There is a quite ordinary box.
And in that box appears a kitty with socks.
And with that kitty, catnip is tossed in.
The box is closed, leaving the two entities within.
The question is what happens during this transition time?
Do the two entities sublime?
Does the kitty lose one of its nine lives?
To survive, does the kitty ninja-throw knives.
If the catnip is digested, what becomes of the kitty?
The fact of uncertainty is a pity.
The facts are uncovered when the lid becomes open.
What are the favorable odds for the kitten?
Open the box.
The kitty flies out and now talks.
It's kitty crazy hour.
The atmosphere becomes sour.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Math Monday: Circles
A circle is round.
Wheels are circles that go around.
Bottle caps are circles that twist.
Pies are circles that I've missed.
Circles contain pi;
And pi is in an eye;
And round too are coins;
As with bacon wrapped sirloins.
Round door knobs turn.
The circular sun gives a sunburn.
The circle of life seems endless.
But I digress.
Round things are fun,
Like being under the sun.
Wheels are circles that go around.
Bottle caps are circles that twist.
Pies are circles that I've missed.
Circles contain pi;
And pi is in an eye;
And round too are coins;
As with bacon wrapped sirloins.
Round door knobs turn.
The circular sun gives a sunburn.
The circle of life seems endless.
But I digress.
Round things are fun,
Like being under the sun.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thank you, Veterans!
Fellow citizens volunteer to go to war.
This is no simple chore.
They fight so that we can be the greatest nation on earth.
They see terrible things so that the American Dream has higher worth.
They lose arms and legs, and get hit with shrapnel to the heart.
They come home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and fall apart.
They see friends lose their life.
Some struggle at home with guns or a knife.
They don't receive the help they need.
Some even end up on the streets, unable to feed.
We should help our veterans. It's the right thing to do.
At the very least, tell a veteran, thank you.
This is no simple chore.
They fight so that we can be the greatest nation on earth.
They see terrible things so that the American Dream has higher worth.
They lose arms and legs, and get hit with shrapnel to the heart.
They come home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and fall apart.
They see friends lose their life.
Some struggle at home with guns or a knife.
They don't receive the help they need.
Some even end up on the streets, unable to feed.
We should help our veterans. It's the right thing to do.
At the very least, tell a veteran, thank you.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Science Saturday: Constellations
Look up at the peaceful sparkly night sky.
You might see shapes and figures way up high.
These are called constellations.
Each civilization has there own creations.
People made up figures for many reasons.
Early farmers connected the dots to tell the seasons.
Travelers used them to tell their location.
Students can learn them through astronomy education.
The sky is filled with fish and lions,
Crabs and dogs, and dragons and scorpions.
There are water bearers and serpent bearers
And even fantastical sky archers.
The figures can be whatever you want them to be.
In the sky, what do you see?
Friday, November 9, 2012
Food Friday: Crazy Cereal
Cereals are a grain.
I eat it for breakfast to relieve hunger pain.
Pour some in a bowl.
Pour in some milk; soy, fat free, two percent, or whole.
Use a spoon as a boat and say ahoy!
Take a bite and enjoy!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The Misadventures of Little Dorian Wade: Save the Dinosaurs
Even though it is neither winter nor cool,
Dorian thinks wearing his stego jacket is supercool.
Enjoying today's festivities of napping and playing, "!"
The design of the stegosaurus catches his eye.
He touches the grey, fuzzy sewn on design,
Pondering what cut short the giant reptile's life line.
What did them in, Momma mentioned, was a big rock.
It came from the sky, killing most things that fly, swim, and walk.
Sad face. Dorian never had the chance to meet one;
Perhaps even ride on its back. It could've been fun.
He stares at his dinosaur mobile,
Wishing he could be helpful and noble.
The dancing rainbow T-rex, tyradactal, and stegosaurus whirl.
They smile and stare at him; their eyes the color of pearl.
The black and white center circles like a vortex,
Wreaking havoc on Dorian's young visual cortex.
He closes his eyes and is now at peace,
Waiting for the dizziness to cease.
He opens his eyes to witness a beautiful sight.
The air smells clean and the outdoors is bright.
A giant mosquito-like bug buzzes by,
Almost hitting Dorian in the face. "Shoo fly."
He gazes at the lush foilage of which the area is pleasantly rife.
It is even full of various plump and rather odd-looking wild life.
"Sir Walden, what do you make of this location?"
"The dinosaur era is my speculation."
Dorian cogitates the recent events and agrees.
Having Sir Walden's company puts him at ease.
The knowledgeable kitty hands Dorian a device.
Stating, "You desire to aid these ancient beasts. This shall suffice.
It can move earth as easy as the push from a digit."
Dorian is impressed by Sir Walden's ingenuity as he considers the widget.
"But wouldn't upsetting the timeline create a different parallel universe?
A result of humanity not in dominion could be worse.
Better yet, aren't we creating a time paradox just by being here?"
Sir Walden offers, "perhaps we'll all benefit from coexistence...or...disappear."
Disappear? Dorian fears for the effects of their cause,
Enough so, to give him pause.
To save the poor, defenseless dinosaurs and become friends,
...Or return to his time empty-handed, as his conscience recommends?
Dorian raises his device to the sky,
Pointing it at the fireball way up high.
He turns his head away in fear of the change.
Then, in the bushes, he hears something strange;
The wimper of a baby stegosaurus as it pokes out his head.
Dorian is torn between fate and heroics; not wanting the baby dead.
He quickly thinks through his options as events he may not undo,
Gazing at the poor reptile, he now knows what he must do.
He points his wand at the stego and levitates him,
Dorian is saddened as dinosaur future is grim.
Turning face-up, he sees his mobile clearly.
Taking a deep breath, Dorian wonders if he died. No, nearly.
Back at home, in his own time, he undoubtedly sees.
But, Techtonic "The Plated" Stego is not to be seen. Sir Walden and Dorian freeze.
Momma comes in and sweetly says, "I have something for you."
Wondering what that could be, he has no clue,
But he can only think of his baby stego's whereabouts.
Maybe he didn't make it. Dorian is having doubts.
He enters the living room and there is his stego. Smiles, they both cannot hide.
There is even a saddle, so Dorian can go for a ride.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Four More Years!
To finish what was started, we have four more years.
America is still here to alleviate some fears.
Jobs will continue to be added.
Americans' pocketbooks will be padded.
Education will be fixed.
Obamacare won't be nixed.
Same-sex rights measures will not lose.
Women will retain the right to choose.
We'll continue to have the strongest military of any nation.
Hurricane relief will go to the New England people and restore the subway station.
Green energy will be our future.
Obama will continue to mend and suture.
In each of these ideals, he has created hope.
If you voted and lost, you did your civic duty; so please don't mope.
Here's to another four years of progress.
Here's to another four years of success!
America is still here to alleviate some fears.
Jobs will continue to be added.
Americans' pocketbooks will be padded.
Education will be fixed.
Obamacare won't be nixed.
Same-sex rights measures will not lose.
Women will retain the right to choose.
We'll continue to have the strongest military of any nation.
Hurricane relief will go to the New England people and restore the subway station.
Green energy will be our future.
Obama will continue to mend and suture.
In each of these ideals, he has created hope.
If you voted and lost, you did your civic duty; so please don't mope.
Here's to another four years of progress.
Here's to another four years of success!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Election Day!
Today is the day to get out and vote.
This is an important day I must note.
Hopefully, we'll find out soon who's our next president;
Who will for the next four years be the White House resident.
Whoever you vote for, ensure that you know the issues.
If you don't vote, there won't be any sympathy tissues.
Get out and vote for Republicans.
Go back in time to relive Bush plans.
Get out and vote for Democrats.
Move forward on progress with proven stats.
Get out and vote for the candidate of your choice.
If you don't vote, you will have lost your voice.
Empowered are not those whom are chatters.
Power is voting, because every vote matters.
This is an important day I must note.
Hopefully, we'll find out soon who's our next president;
Who will for the next four years be the White House resident.
Whoever you vote for, ensure that you know the issues.
If you don't vote, there won't be any sympathy tissues.
Get out and vote for Republicans.
Go back in time to relive Bush plans.
Get out and vote for Democrats.
Move forward on progress with proven stats.
Get out and vote for the candidate of your choice.
If you don't vote, you will have lost your voice.
Empowered are not those whom are chatters.
Power is voting, because every vote matters.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Busy, Busy.
Busy, busy.
My day's in a tizzy.
I received the flu shot and now I'm dizzy.
I just woke up. My hair is frizzy.
I'll need some caffeine in a drink that's fizzy.
My day's in a tizzy.
I received the flu shot and now I'm dizzy.
I just woke up. My hair is frizzy.
I'll need some caffeine in a drink that's fizzy.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Product Review Sunday: My Baby Son
He was born too early,
But he desired to leave, surely.
It's scary to have a preemie.
It makes my eyes steamy.
Health problems come and go.
For two double surgeries, the healing is slow.
Sitting in the hospital, waiting.
My son's pain, I'm always hating.
He couldn't eat and I couldn't feed.
On and off, my husband and I are worried.
Son-bun's face is endlessly dry, cracked, itchy, and red.
He's always had a very large head.
He is forever prodded and poked.
I grabbed his tiny hand and kissed and stroked.
They try and try, but there is still no vein.
He cries and cries with no escape from pain.
There is nothing I can do but watch,
And hope it ends quickly and there is nothing to botch.
When it's done, I give my son kisses and I hold him tight.
I try my best to quell his fright.
I tell him that everything will be okay,
That things will be better someday.
Though he's tall and slim,
I think we will keep him.
But he desired to leave, surely.
It's scary to have a preemie.
It makes my eyes steamy.
Health problems come and go.
For two double surgeries, the healing is slow.
Sitting in the hospital, waiting.
My son's pain, I'm always hating.
He couldn't eat and I couldn't feed.
On and off, my husband and I are worried.
Son-bun's face is endlessly dry, cracked, itchy, and red.
He's always had a very large head.
He is forever prodded and poked.
I grabbed his tiny hand and kissed and stroked.
They try and try, but there is still no vein.
He cries and cries with no escape from pain.
There is nothing I can do but watch,
And hope it ends quickly and there is nothing to botch.
When it's done, I give my son kisses and I hold him tight.
I try my best to quell his fright.
I tell him that everything will be okay,
That things will be better someday.
Though he's tall and slim,
I think we will keep him.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Science Saturday: Big Bang Theory
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Big Bang Conceptualization |
A singularity is born and matter is sprang.
Before the big bang, nothing existed; not even time, nor matter, nor energy, nor space.
Away from each other, nuclei and electrons race.
As unlikely as it was, a nucleus and an electron combined to make hydrogen.
Atoms made molecule armies and molecules led to a living organism legion.
Our reality is but a pocket inside another realm.
The beginning never ceases to overwhelm.
But what is understood is the ever expanding reaches of our known universe.
Blow up a balloon and see matter disperse.
Look into a telescope and see stars and galaxies as they were hundreds of millions of years ago.
Look at the cosmic microwave background radiation to see a faint glow.
Light and heat are uniform across Earth's sky.
The known universe is in a cooling state after temperatures were so high.
Thirteen-point-seven billion years is a long time.
It took that long from the start until now to make this rhyme.
It took that long for matter to coalesce and evolve into the living beings of today.
There is overwhelming proof to the skeptics' dismay.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Food Friday: Bananas
Bananas are a sweet, soft fruit.
For them, herbivores and omnivores go in pursuit.
It is crescent shaped of the color yellow.
The flavor is magnificently mellow.
To open the banana for a quick meal,
Carefully pull down each side of the peel.
Bananas go well with ice cream.
Some think a strawberry-banana smoothie is supreme.
Dry some banana chips
When going on long trips.
When bananas turn brown, make banana bread.
Throw the peel in the trash. On the floor, it should not be shed.
For them, herbivores and omnivores go in pursuit.
It is crescent shaped of the color yellow.
The flavor is magnificently mellow.
To open the banana for a quick meal,
Carefully pull down each side of the peel.
Bananas go well with ice cream.
Some think a strawberry-banana smoothie is supreme.
Dry some banana chips
When going on long trips.
When bananas turn brown, make banana bread.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Tales Thursday: The Misadventures of Little Dorian Wade - Boldly going where no baby has gone before.
Captain Dorian is chosen for this spectacular mission
Of inhabiting space, reached by a rocket of low emission.
For nine months, he must experience life in space.
He'll report back to Earth, his findings of the place.
He'll mine the area for resources uncovered
And explore the unknown for science-y things to be discovered.
Along the way, Dorian will be entertained by sights and sounds.
He'll be weightless and trapped by the oxygen-less space that surrounds.
He is ready to explore life and beyond.
By the end, he and his pod will have created a bond.
Ignition, lift off! Dorian states, "Sir Walden, I have achieved lift."
The pod reaches terminal velacity, smooth and swift.
The collectors begin their long, but prized task.
"Sir Walden, it's beautiful out here, but I must ask,
Why am I the only one?
Why was I chosen to have all of the fun?"
Sir Walden responds with his customary meow.
Dorian takes in this once in a life opportunity of the here and now.
Later he performs a space walk, attached by an oxygen cord.
He kicks, turns, tumbles, and squrims, not at all bored.
When you have things to do, time flies.
He awakens this morning and rubs his eyes.
He is in a dark and cavernous asteroid.
Tearing apart the rock, he must avoid.
He sings, "Digging for treasure
Is a pleasure.
Digging for gold,
Never gets old."
Suddenly, there is what feels like an earthquake.
Dorian fears for what could be at stake.
The pod is damaged and a safe return is fleeting.
He decries leaving before his first mission, completing.
Urgent his arrival now has become,
But still he must wait, a long distance he travels from.
Was it he who caused the quake?
Or, was the ore so fragile, it was bound to break?
Maybe an alien was there first, he pauses.
Perhaps there were unknown causes.
Enough time has passed, a crash landing is imminent.
Whatever happens next will surely in history be permanent.
Entering the atmosphere, he comes in hot.
In control of what comes next, he is not.
Landing in water, his pod leaks.
He is slowly guided out by geeks.
Opening his eyes for the very first time it seems,
He cries, because he's alive, but also a light in his eye beams.
He is poked, prodded and cleaned.
A meeting with his parents has now convened.
Dorian awakes.
It was a dream as he now shakes.
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