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Happy Halloween! |
The yellow, orange, and red leaves fall into the bay.
A cacophony of sparrow chirps upsets
The serene evening as the sun sets.
I look over at the carved and lit pumpkins;
One for my husband and I, and each of our munchkins.
I smile, because it is our first family Halloween.
Nothing like a little fun, to shake up a routine.
Our son is about ready for the night out.
He's our little tadpole. "RIBBIT," I hear him shout!
My hand itches from a bug bite
I received earlier, when it was light.
We're ready to go trick or treating!
Tadpolio won't be given any candy for eating.
It will be fun though; a new experience for us all.
What a great idea to have a haunted mall.
Parking is a witch, as I imagined it would be.
The decorations are spooky. What a sight to see!
Spider webs draped over manikins and floor creepers.
I see tiny Batmen and Draculas and little grim reapers.
Near Scorching Subject, I see an angry, grinning red-eyed gnome.
Down the corridor, a skeleton rides a motorcycle made of chrome.
Each store participates in passing out eats that are sweet.
Taking pictures with Captain America, Tadpolio thinks he's neat.
We walk to the mall aquarium to look at the fish.
The fish are swimming in a haunted house and over a candy dish.
Through the tank, I see that same grinning gnome staring at me.
Where can this annoying kid's parents be?
We go buy a drink and cool off from walking around.
I bump into the grinning gnome, whom had not made a sound.
"Kid, go find your parents. Where are they?"
The gnome just looks at me, not bothering to say.
We leave the mall, heading home with our plunder.
The skies are mysteriously cloudy and I see lightning and hear thunder.
Weird, I think.
The gnome appears in the street. He's gone after I blink.
I guess I am tired. Sleep shall fix me.
We get home and ready ourselves for bed. I'm a bit antsy.
Tadpolio and the husband are fast asleep.
I close my eyes and try to sleep.
I toss and turn, my hand is on fire.
My eyes open and the gnome is attacking me, like a vampire.
I try to scream, but I cannot fight back.
I awake to see myself watering the garden. How did that gnome hijack?
My mouth is grinning, but I am crying inside.
I can do nothing but listen to the impostor sing, "You are My Sunshine," with the body it shanghaied.
Already missing my boys, I wish time would go backwards.
But I am left alone with the cacophony of birds.