Friday, May 17, 2013


Butternut Squash, courtesy Kristi Kosina
Eat a veggie,
Said Aunt Reggie.
You dodge them if you're lucky,
Because they are yucky.
It isn't too bad, Mom said.
Eat some sweet potato bread.
Eat some broccoli with your chicken.
You'll eat veggies scream'n and kick'n.
Eat a carrot,
Squawks a parrot.
Eat some spinach
In your sandwich.
Eat a tomato and a zucchini.
Add onions to your hotdog weiny.
Even if your parents are stealthy,
Veggies are healthy!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Math Monday: Percentages

What is two in six?
Percentages are used in statistics.
Data results are what they show,
Like the average fall of snow,
Or how many people have brown eyes,
Or how many thruths and lies,
Or how much salt is in an ocean,
Or how many trains are in motion,
Or the amount of baseball hits,
Or professional bowling splits,
Or how many days are sunny,
Or how many comedians are funny.
I eat two of six strawberries that are red.
Two of six is about thirty-three over a hundred,
Or thirty-three percent. Now you try!
Find out where percents apply.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Question The Stars

Question the stars.
Ride a horse.
Test drive cars.
Learn code of Morse.
Taste food that's new.
Learn a new tool.
Spray your hair blue.
Scuba dive in a pool.
Dance to your own beat.
Study science and math.
Create something neat.
Follow your own path.