The atmosphere smells of apple pie.
Soda vulcanoes mix with momentos rock and shoot sky high.
Gingerbread homes are just out of harms way.
Chocolate covered snails stare at the Milky Way.
Gummy bears enjoy sour gold fish at night.
Carbonated Blue Ocean Dew is a beautiful sight.
Brownies are the planet's dirt.
Hot cocoa springs have geysers that squirt.
It rains lemonade.
The alligators are medically inclined, swimmimg with a sense of gator-aid.
Animal hearts are red hot.
Pixie sticks of rainbow dust are shot.
Fireworks consist of rocks that pop.
Fields of fondant are filled with white chocolate bunnies that hop.
Follow the candy corn road
And kiss a gum drop covered toad.
Do not stare at the everlasting gobstopper star.
This is the place where sweet things are.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Planet Sucrose
Friday, March 29, 2013
Tick Tock
Tick tock.
Writer's block.
I finally changed the hour on my clock.
Let's take an imaginary leap.
I cannot sleep.
My mind is tired, so I weep.
I dream when I should be awake.
My head races when I need a break.
Type a word and another, is all it will take.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Remote Magician
With his top hat and bag of tricks,
The biggest TV remote, the little boy picks.
He doesn't even need a sheet to mask.
In a quick jumbled task,
It's gone in a pinch.
Where could it have gone beyond a square inch?
Is it in the couch or under the mail?
Is it in the toy box or in a water pail?
Darn our reliance on such a device.
Getting up to turn on the TV appliance will have to suffice.
That's when I kick it.
I sigh in relief as I sit.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Best Friends Forever
I look into the mirror and what do I see?
A little boy is smiling back at me.
Who is this happy young boy,
And why does he have so much joy?
I smile in return and wave hello.
He also wears a shirt of yellow.
I giggle and do a little wiggle.
He responds with a jiggle.
I raise my fingers to the glass to touch.
Does he have parents who love him very much?
He whispers with a secret to tell.
I lean in to listen and then we bid farewell.
Monday, March 25, 2013
The Darkness
I roll over and I open my eyes.
Darkness is what I despise.
There is no light.
To see anything, I begin to fight.
I roll over in an attempt to see.
Where is everyone? How can this be?
Trapped in a cage?
At this young of an age?
I cry and cry.
This must all be a lie.
I'm all alone.
It's dark and the crib is like stone.
No one will come to the rescue.
Then the door opens. Mommy, it's you!
Bright light shines behind her.
A purring kitty sits licking its fur.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Here Comes The Bride
Here comes the bride,
Decked out in white.
She smiles with pride.
Isn't that tight?!
Spring Wedding
In Spring, two people wed.
Loneliness can be shed.
Ring bearers prance.
Flower girls dance.
Love is in the air.
Soon, we all shall pair.
In sickness and in health,
In poverty and wealth,
Love is what a marriage can bring.
Commitment is meant by a ring.
The chaotic ebbs and flows
Lifelong matrimony shows.
But who knows, happiness can flourish.
Bonds we create, we need to nourish.
To the happy couple, stay out of trouble,
And may your razzle-dazzle family double!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
You Are My Star
You are my star.
You have come far.
Hard work and little play
Allow for rewards the next day.
Rest assure,
That the pressure,
Is not all for nothing.
In the end, you have that something.
You will continue to do good.
You do what you should and could.
You have the support of a loving family.
You are a winner to me.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Count the Barnyard Animals
One horse, two cows,
The cat meows.
Three fish, four dogs,
The human jogs.
Five parakeets, six mice,
The hedgehog plays nice.
Seven bunnies, eight lizards,
There are too many blizzards.
Nine snakes, Ten chickens,
Food is slim pickens.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

On this March, day seventeen.
We must wear green so we don't get pinched,
And search for pots, so gold can be clinched.
Go out and be seen,
On this March, day seventeen.
The four leaf clover is a lucky plant.
Let us sing the Danny Boy chant,
And do an Irish dance that is keen.
Let our food and drinks be green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! GREEN, GREEN, GREEN!!
On this March, day seventeen.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Giant Crayons
What happened to the giant crayons?
We have so many colorful plans.
All the crayons are too small.
They won't do at all,
In such tiny hands, they just break.
Giant crayons, you, where do they make?
Jumbo ones will not do.
Halved, are the red, yellow, and blue.
To the craft stores, our boy sends.
Our search never ends.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Up, Then Down
When you throw a ball up, it comes down.
Up, then down.
Up, then down.
When an airplane flies high, it lands low.
High, then low.
High, then low.
When the wind lifts up a kite, down it falls.
Lifts, then falls.
Lifts, then falls.
When a spaceship rises to space, to the Earth it descends.
Rises, then descends.
Rises, then descends.
When something goes up, gravity pulls it down.
Up, then down.
Up, then down.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Guinea Pig's Wiggle
Nothing's sweeter than watching a baby giggle;
Observing that child giggle at a guinea pig's wiggle.
Not a care at all,
Other than eating mommy's food and dancing tall;
Playing xylophone and basketball;
Chasing kitties and trying not to fall.
Innocence fades.
Responsibility invades.
Who knows what is down future streams.
The zoo is a land of hope and dreams.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Follow the Rainbow
To paint an orange cello.
Mix yellow and blue
To see a green grassy view.
Dab blue and red
To admire the purple flowers ahead.
A rainbow leads to a pot of gold.
This from a leprechaun, I've been told.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
The sky is dark
As we leave the park.
In the clouds roll.
We cut short our stroll.
The wind quickens.
The air thickens.
Droplets fall to the ground.
Shelter we have found.
The air grows cold.
Eachother, we hold.
Liquid becomes sleet
And then snow hits the street.
Flakes dance in the air.
All we do is stare.
South Texas usually doesn't have snow.
Heat is a foe.
Crimson Flower
There came a day,
When a king locked up his daughter
And surrounded her with water,
To prevent her tower from being entered.
Right in front of her door, a three-headed dragon was centered.
Knights figured the woman needed to be saved.
For she was the woman that they craved.
Every day, the princess would sing.
Every day, a river of red, the tide would bring.
The princess was sad that no one could get by the beast.
Efforts to save her had ceased.
Until a brave knight found a way to cross the moat
And defeated the three-headed dragon with wood from his boat.
The princess watched with glee,
For this knight surely could set her free.
When the knight entered the tallest room of her dungeon tower,
He offered the princess a beautiful crimson flower.
She sang and graciously took the gift and asked to see her savior's face.
The knight obliged still kneeling in place.
The long red-braided hair shone brightly in the light.
The princess gasped as her savior was a female knight.
Angered by this trickery, the princess sprung foward and attacked her savior.
The princess latched on, beginning to perform a life-sucking behavior.
The knight was not entranced and stuck a sword inside.
The knight cried relief now that the succubus has died.
It was the song of the princess that called her husband, who was a knight.
No one else will be called tonight.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Happy Monday
Success is failure at bay.
The sun will rise and stay.
Have a happy Monday!
Upcoming Book
"Quasar Kids: Choose Your Adventure" will be the name of my book.
Soon you will be able to take a look.
There will be pictures and poems,
Neat creatures and homes.
Wonder may come to your mind.
Who knows what you will find.
Learning could be kind.
Don't leave your new friends behind.
Good luck on each quest.
Many are fun and there could be a best.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Cold Hot Cold
This weather is a sine
Of rain or shine.
First it's sunny and hot,
Then it's rainy and not.
South Texas, what will it be?
Snow, I may never again see.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Walk, skip, bunny hop.
Run, lift, ski...squat, lunge, jump.
Work daily nonstop.
Need to lose the belly bump.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Crystal Experiment
Pour water in a pot.
Add a lot of sugar and boil very hot.
Dissolve the sugar into a solution.
Pour into a bowl and wait for redistribution.
Red food coloring, one could add.
Blues and purples make me glad.
Let time go by.
Watch the structures grow high.
The swirls of colors march.
Skyscrapers mold into an arch.
As the liquid dissipates.
A work of art, one anticipates.
The rock candy is also a tasty treat.
Isn't this experiment sweet?!