Thursday, October 31, 2013
A beautiful and fluffy kitty sits on the window sill all tanned.
She purrs as her master takes a brush to her glorious mane.
The Persian nibbles on a nearby vibrant purslane.
In the next window sits a fresh pumpkin pie.
The kitty swats at a buzzing fly.
Her gaze is alerted to the yard's edge.
A squirrel scampers by with a gala apple wedge.
Suddenly, Ms. Vivian darts across the forest green grass in a flash.
The target runs away in a mad dash.
It hops bravely onto the slippery street.
Ms. Vivian hopes this squirrel and her could meet.
Movement to her left causes her to turn her head.
A car unapologetically hits her. She is dead.
Her master comes out and reaches for his prized kitty.
Such a pity.
A light bulb appears up above.
He picks up his kitty with his glove.
"Don't worry, Ms. Vivian. I will give you a new head.
I'll put you back together with needle and thread."
Throughout the night the doctor sews.
He takes extra care on her new nose.
He hooks her up to a metal rod
And turns on the electricity as he plays god.
He then focuses energy on the bolts,
Grinning at the bright blue volts.
The master eagerly flips off the huge switch
And impatiently waits for the tiniest twitch.
Disappointment sours his only hope.
He slowly begins to untie the rope.
He hears a soft but familiar purring,
Then notices his creation is stirring.
"It's alive! It's alive!"
He has figured out the immortal revive.
His precious kitty opens her eyes.
But she isn't the same. He cries.
"The procedure was perfect and fastidious.
What have I done. You're hideous.
Get out you mangy cat!"
He shoos her outside with a baseball bat.
Feeling unloved, Ms. Vivian wanders aimlessly out in the cold.
She listens to the harsh nature sounds with the ears of a Scottish Fold.
She is hungry and searches for scraps,
Missing her master's lap and taking warm naps.
She finds a poor animal and sinks in her teeth.
She feels a growing power that new life continues to bequeath.
She brings her prized kill to her master's door,
Hoping to restore the love from before.
The door opens and her master yells.
The dead deer has rotting skin and horrid smells.
The doctor takes his bat and lunges at his creation.
He notices there was an unforeseen mutation.
Ms. Vivian realizes that she must attack back.
Clearly, her master is displeased with her shared snack.
She bites him in the arm,
Not really wishing harm.
But she doesn't know what else to do.
Something else is what her master turns into.
He's just as ugly,
But not as snugly.
His skin rots like the deer's.
He is now a monster, he fears.
"Okay, Ms. Vivian. You can come on home."
But she leaves him and goes off to roam.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Great Grandparents
Their faces are aglow,
When great grandkids are born.
The short time is a thorn
In their old achy hips;
There's a curl in their lips.
The great circle of life
Is full of fun and strife.
The journey's filled with hope.
In the end do not mope.
Remember the good deeds
And watch the young plant seeds.
Remember the tales told.
Celebrate young and old.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
A Young Dreamer
I wonder if you count any sheep.
Do you dream about colors and shapes,
Or dinosaurs and heroes in capes?
Are there cats and dogs, or bats and frogs?
Are there zebras and wild hogs?
Or, hardy pirates who save the day?
What about a musical blue jay?
Do you dream of Mommy and Daddy?
Or the leprechauns on Saint Paddy?
Are there good princes and unicorns,
Golden finches and sharp dragon horns?
Are there witches eating candy corns?
Or cuddly bunnies who love to play?
What about white horses chewing hay?
I kiss your forehead without a peep,
As you dream or see black during sleep.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Independence Day!

We see fireworks and parades and enjoy barbecues.
It is summer time in this grand country of ours.
We visit friends and family and gift patriotic flowers.
It is a celebration of our country's freedom
From the oppressive British kingdom.
In 1776, a declaration was signed.
After this, constitutional law was designed.
There were fifty-six signers and thirteen colonies.
Let's give a round of applause to our founding daddies!
America declared that all of its people
Hold self-evident truths that we are all equal.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are our rights.
For freedom is what our country continually fights.
We are a patriotic country governed
for the people, by the people. This we have earned.
So let the fireworks fly on this Independence Day.
"Happy birthday, America," is what we say!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Summer Fun

All of the kids shout.
The sun shines bright.
Teams play soccer with their might.
Chase the soccer ball.
Try not to fall.
It is really hot.
Time to find a shady spot.
It's humid from a morning rain.
All our energy will drain.
Wash dirty hands in the sink.
Ahhhh...a nice cold refreshing drink.
Eat some barbeque.
Enjoy the sunset view.
Read or watch some TV.
How much fun will this summer be?
Friday, May 17, 2013
![]() |
Butternut Squash, courtesy Kristi Kosina |
Said Aunt Reggie.
You dodge them if you're lucky,
Because they are yucky.
It isn't too bad, Mom said.
Eat some sweet potato bread.
Eat some broccoli with your chicken.
You'll eat veggies scream'n and kick'n.
Eat a carrot,
Squawks a parrot.
Eat some spinach
In your sandwich.
Eat a tomato and a zucchini.
Add onions to your hotdog weiny.
Even if your parents are stealthy,
Veggies are healthy!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Math Monday: Percentages

Percentages are used in statistics.
Data results are what they show,
Like the average fall of snow,
Or how many people have brown eyes,
Or how much salt is in an ocean,
Or how many trains are in motion,
Or the amount of baseball hits,
Or professional bowling splits,
Or how many days are sunny,
Or how many comedians are funny.
I eat two of six strawberries that are red.
Two of six is about thirty-three over a hundred,
Or thirty-three percent. Now you try!
Find out where percents apply.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Question The Stars
Question the stars.
Ride a horse.
Test drive cars.
Learn code of Morse.
Taste food that's new.
Learn a new tool.
Spray your hair blue.
Scuba dive in a pool.
Dance to your own beat.
Study science and math.
Create something neat.
Follow your own path.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The End of The Road
Given two days of life.
Oh, the strife.
I don't know what to say
To make the pain go away.
Cancer doesn't know it's a baphoon.
It is way too soon.
Doctors have been wrong before.
Your years to live could be more.
Just in case, what to do?
Maybe gaze at a movie or sunset view;
Ride roller coasters or go skydiving;
Or spend time with family who are now arriving.
There really isn't one activity to erase the pain.
This situation is insane.
Cancer doesn't care,
Even in it's face, you stare.
Battles are lost and won.
I know this hasn't been fun.
You're a fighter.
If only medicine was mightier.
Loved ones will be okay.
Your suffering may end one day.
Until then, continue fighting for every day that is new.
Please don't be blue.
In our hearts, your love, care, and intelligence, you always fill.
We love you and we always will.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Dry Spell

Two beauties are before you this lovely hour.
Spring is definitely upon us.
But weird weather causes a fuss.
Sprinkles tempt the lust for rain.
Then there's a gust of wind as tiny water puddles drain.
The birds gather in the grass,
Getting their fill of bugs, alas.
The same can't be said of a lake in drought.
Perhaps more rain will come in a tropical bout.
Until then, sprinkles will have to do.
Rain, where are you?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Vestigial organs, what a waste!
They are problem-laced.
They were useful long ago,
But now their use is low.
Wisdom teeth are taken out.
Tiny mouths shouldn't pout.
Yes, there is a smaller smile,
But we'll heal after a short while.
As with the teeth, the appendix helped with salad greens;
But appendices burst by any means.
The gall bladder helped with slowly digesting fats.
Our ancestors went a day before finding meals with their bats.
Some people are born with tails,
Which make it awkward to sit on pails.
We go through natural selection.
As we evolve, parts go through un-selection.
Someday we won't have to worry about wisdom teeth, gall bladders, appendices and tails.
Evolution seemingly never fails.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Future
The world is a scary place.
Wars and evil are commonplace.
Childhood is where it all starts.
Let them enjoy the arts.
Let them dream.
Let them balance on the high beam.
Let them explore the sciences around.
Give them music so they'll sing a loud sound.
Give them drumsticks to click and clank.
Give them mathematics by handing them a piggy bank.
Teach them the ways of the past.
Let them dance and have a blast.
Let them speak their mind.
Give them pets so they'll be kind.
Let them draw a colorful cartoon.
Fill them with curiosity about the moon.
Give them water toys so they'll squirt.
Hug them close when they hurt.
They make mistakes that we often suture.
Our children are the future.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Take a half pickle and stick it in a glass.
Fill it with water that is pure.
The pickle fills with more water mass.
It's bigger and juicier for sure.
Now make a glass of water and salt,
And add the other half pickle.
The veggie sags and it's all my fault.
Science makes my laugh box tickle.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Goodnight, Prom People!
It is a magically colorful and bright night.
We dress up. Mom's dress is a pretty sight.
We drive to the Prom to dance and eat.
There are so many glorious people to meet.
Of course, the party truly begins when I arrive.
We enter the pillars and hear a pianist play live.
The women swoon at the sight of me.
I wave back and giggle at the lovely ladies, teehee!
I walk and talk while lights glitter around.
I prance and dance at the hip-hop pop surround sound.
The oatmeal cookies and strawberry shortcake
Are yummy, and so is the grape slushy I take.
I dance and dance and dance.
I glance at the romance as we all dance in this ballroom expanse.
To my left and right, pictures flash
It is now the time that I shall dash.
I yawn and rub my tired eyes.
When we have fun, time flies.
Make good decisions and don't stay out too late tonight.
Prom people, goodnight!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Word of the Week: Sphere
And so is the sun.
We have a soccer ball here,
We kick it to have fun.
Spherical planets revolve.
The volume is four over three
times pi times "r" cubed. Now solve!
An eye is spherical. Don't you see?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
When a door closes shut,
Another opens up wide.
It could be a sad time, but
Don't let that pride hide.
Open that door up explore.
To life, there is certainly more.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Fulfill all but one need,
So that desire you will continue to feed.
Try your best and one day you will succeed.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Word of the Week: Kitty
A kitty is a ball of fluff,
That meows and stuff.
It tries to be all tough,
But you call it's bluff.
With a mouse it's rough
It yawns after playing enough.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Hump Day
The morning is orange, pink, and yellow.
Outside my window is a blue jay.
The butterflies flutter and in the distance, I hear a cello.
Happy hump day!
May the rest of our week be mellow.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Planet Sucrose
The atmosphere smells of apple pie.
Soda vulcanoes mix with momentos rock and shoot sky high.
Gingerbread homes are just out of harms way.
Chocolate covered snails stare at the Milky Way.
Gummy bears enjoy sour gold fish at night.
Carbonated Blue Ocean Dew is a beautiful sight.
Brownies are the planet's dirt.
Hot cocoa springs have geysers that squirt.
It rains lemonade.
The alligators are medically inclined, swimmimg with a sense of gator-aid.
Animal hearts are red hot.
Pixie sticks of rainbow dust are shot.
Fireworks consist of rocks that pop.
Fields of fondant are filled with white chocolate bunnies that hop.
Follow the candy corn road
And kiss a gum drop covered toad.
Do not stare at the everlasting gobstopper star.
This is the place where sweet things are.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Tick Tock
Tick tock.
Writer's block.
I finally changed the hour on my clock.
Let's take an imaginary leap.
I cannot sleep.
My mind is tired, so I weep.
I dream when I should be awake.
My head races when I need a break.
Type a word and another, is all it will take.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Remote Magician
With his top hat and bag of tricks,
The biggest TV remote, the little boy picks.
He doesn't even need a sheet to mask.
In a quick jumbled task,
It's gone in a pinch.
Where could it have gone beyond a square inch?
Is it in the couch or under the mail?
Is it in the toy box or in a water pail?
Darn our reliance on such a device.
Getting up to turn on the TV appliance will have to suffice.
That's when I kick it.
I sigh in relief as I sit.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Best Friends Forever
I look into the mirror and what do I see?
A little boy is smiling back at me.
Who is this happy young boy,
And why does he have so much joy?
I smile in return and wave hello.
He also wears a shirt of yellow.
I giggle and do a little wiggle.
He responds with a jiggle.
I raise my fingers to the glass to touch.
Does he have parents who love him very much?
He whispers with a secret to tell.
I lean in to listen and then we bid farewell.
Monday, March 25, 2013
The Darkness
I roll over and I open my eyes.
Darkness is what I despise.
There is no light.
To see anything, I begin to fight.
I roll over in an attempt to see.
Where is everyone? How can this be?
Trapped in a cage?
At this young of an age?
I cry and cry.
This must all be a lie.
I'm all alone.
It's dark and the crib is like stone.
No one will come to the rescue.
Then the door opens. Mommy, it's you!
Bright light shines behind her.
A purring kitty sits licking its fur.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Here Comes The Bride
Here comes the bride,
Decked out in white.
She smiles with pride.
Isn't that tight?!
Spring Wedding
In Spring, two people wed.
Loneliness can be shed.
Ring bearers prance.
Flower girls dance.
Love is in the air.
Soon, we all shall pair.
In sickness and in health,
In poverty and wealth,
Love is what a marriage can bring.
Commitment is meant by a ring.
The chaotic ebbs and flows
Lifelong matrimony shows.
But who knows, happiness can flourish.
Bonds we create, we need to nourish.
To the happy couple, stay out of trouble,
And may your razzle-dazzle family double!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
You Are My Star
You are my star.
You have come far.
Hard work and little play
Allow for rewards the next day.
Rest assure,
That the pressure,
Is not all for nothing.
In the end, you have that something.
You will continue to do good.
You do what you should and could.
You have the support of a loving family.
You are a winner to me.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Count the Barnyard Animals
One horse, two cows,
The cat meows.
Three fish, four dogs,
The human jogs.
Five parakeets, six mice,
The hedgehog plays nice.
Seven bunnies, eight lizards,
There are too many blizzards.
Nine snakes, Ten chickens,
Food is slim pickens.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

On this March, day seventeen.
We must wear green so we don't get pinched,
And search for pots, so gold can be clinched.
Go out and be seen,
On this March, day seventeen.
The four leaf clover is a lucky plant.
Let us sing the Danny Boy chant,
And do an Irish dance that is keen.
Let our food and drinks be green.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! GREEN, GREEN, GREEN!!
On this March, day seventeen.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Giant Crayons
What happened to the giant crayons?
We have so many colorful plans.
All the crayons are too small.
They won't do at all,
In such tiny hands, they just break.
Giant crayons, you, where do they make?
Jumbo ones will not do.
Halved, are the red, yellow, and blue.
To the craft stores, our boy sends.
Our search never ends.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Up, Then Down
When you throw a ball up, it comes down.
Up, then down.
Up, then down.
When an airplane flies high, it lands low.
High, then low.
High, then low.
When the wind lifts up a kite, down it falls.
Lifts, then falls.
Lifts, then falls.
When a spaceship rises to space, to the Earth it descends.
Rises, then descends.
Rises, then descends.
When something goes up, gravity pulls it down.
Up, then down.
Up, then down.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Guinea Pig's Wiggle
Nothing's sweeter than watching a baby giggle;
Observing that child giggle at a guinea pig's wiggle.
Not a care at all,
Other than eating mommy's food and dancing tall;
Playing xylophone and basketball;
Chasing kitties and trying not to fall.
Innocence fades.
Responsibility invades.
Who knows what is down future streams.
The zoo is a land of hope and dreams.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Follow the Rainbow
To paint an orange cello.
Mix yellow and blue
To see a green grassy view.
Dab blue and red
To admire the purple flowers ahead.
A rainbow leads to a pot of gold.
This from a leprechaun, I've been told.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
The sky is dark
As we leave the park.
In the clouds roll.
We cut short our stroll.
The wind quickens.
The air thickens.
Droplets fall to the ground.
Shelter we have found.
The air grows cold.
Eachother, we hold.
Liquid becomes sleet
And then snow hits the street.
Flakes dance in the air.
All we do is stare.
South Texas usually doesn't have snow.
Heat is a foe.
Crimson Flower
There came a day,
When a king locked up his daughter
And surrounded her with water,
To prevent her tower from being entered.
Right in front of her door, a three-headed dragon was centered.
Knights figured the woman needed to be saved.
For she was the woman that they craved.
Every day, the princess would sing.
Every day, a river of red, the tide would bring.
The princess was sad that no one could get by the beast.
Efforts to save her had ceased.
Until a brave knight found a way to cross the moat
And defeated the three-headed dragon with wood from his boat.
The princess watched with glee,
For this knight surely could set her free.
When the knight entered the tallest room of her dungeon tower,
He offered the princess a beautiful crimson flower.
She sang and graciously took the gift and asked to see her savior's face.
The knight obliged still kneeling in place.
The long red-braided hair shone brightly in the light.
The princess gasped as her savior was a female knight.
Angered by this trickery, the princess sprung foward and attacked her savior.
The princess latched on, beginning to perform a life-sucking behavior.
The knight was not entranced and stuck a sword inside.
The knight cried relief now that the succubus has died.
It was the song of the princess that called her husband, who was a knight.
No one else will be called tonight.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Happy Monday
Success is failure at bay.
The sun will rise and stay.
Have a happy Monday!
Upcoming Book
"Quasar Kids: Choose Your Adventure" will be the name of my book.
Soon you will be able to take a look.
There will be pictures and poems,
Neat creatures and homes.
Wonder may come to your mind.
Who knows what you will find.
Learning could be kind.
Don't leave your new friends behind.
Good luck on each quest.
Many are fun and there could be a best.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Cold Hot Cold
This weather is a sine
Of rain or shine.
First it's sunny and hot,
Then it's rainy and not.
South Texas, what will it be?
Snow, I may never again see.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Walk, skip, bunny hop.
Run, lift, ski...squat, lunge, jump.
Work daily nonstop.
Need to lose the belly bump.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Crystal Experiment
Pour water in a pot.
Add a lot of sugar and boil very hot.
Dissolve the sugar into a solution.
Pour into a bowl and wait for redistribution.
Red food coloring, one could add.
Blues and purples make me glad.
Let time go by.
Watch the structures grow high.
The swirls of colors march.
Skyscrapers mold into an arch.
As the liquid dissipates.
A work of art, one anticipates.
The rock candy is also a tasty treat.
Isn't this experiment sweet?!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
A Walk
Going for a walk.
To my son, I like to talk.
Circling like a hawk.
Round and round we go.
Go back and forth, to and fro.
It's a living show.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Goodnight Haiku
Goodnight bright sunlight.
Above you, I read of love.
Goodbye cutie-pie.
"Goodnight! Love you! Buh-bye!"
It's three a.m.
It's three a.m.
And the baby won't sleep.
It's three a.m.
And I want to weep.
Oh why are we awake?
The baby wants to play.
My eyes are sleepy; they ache.
The baby has all to say.
Oh why are we awake?
Yes, why are we awake?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Where's the cold?
Everywhere else it is cold.
The warmth here is getting old.
Everywhere else is getting snow.
To see snow, elsewhere we would need to go.
The snow is exquisite.
Someday we will visit.
But for now, we stay in warm weather.
Sweet cold thoughts my brain will tether.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Paper Cut
Just my luck,
A paper cut.
"Ouch," I cluck.
A bandaid is shut.
The horrid pain
Of a paper scrape
What do you gain?
All for the flavor of grape.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Tug that little asteroid
Tug that little asteroid.
Push it into a void.
Away from the Earth.
For all it is worth.
Collect the riches if we may
And save it for another day.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Cold Wars
Isn't it bold,
For a cold to grow like mold?
It's like a Trojan horse.
I cough Morse code, I sound so hoarse.
It shall be wise,
To hit a giant size pillow, to cause a cold's demise?
These aren't lies.
My white blood cell growth defies.
I am not sold
On this old cold.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Sniffle, sniffle
Nothing like eucalyptus
To help loosen up the mucus.
Achoo...sniffle, sniffle.
Depart thy cold, in a jiffle.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I am working on writing another children's book.
Soon you will be able to take a look.
I don't even have time to cook.
It will come in paperback, Kindle, and maybe the nook.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Science Saturday: Nebula
Blocking the bright glittering stars around.
The oranges and blues
Leave behind clues,
Of what use to be.
The loss of such beauty
And organization
Leads to a chaotic and colorful formation.
The particles will reform.
This cycle is the norm.
The stunning result of a stellar blast
Will surely not last.
Image credit: PicsArt Filters
Friday, February 15, 2013
Food Friday: Oranges
That one can drink or eat.
They have delicious pulp.
It's good enough to sip every last gulp.
They grow on trees
And fall in the breeze.
Oranges are orange and round.
I like having them around.
They even go well with meat.
That sure is sweet.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Heart Day!
Chocolates are brown and white.
These make me think
Of how you make my life bright.
It doesn't matter if you're black, brown, white, alone, married, or gay.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Jack & Bill
Jack and Bill went up the hill,
To show their love is spreading.
Forgetting those whom show ill will,
They have their marvelous wedding.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Write something every day.
I hope to finish by May.
Read something too.
Days, I'll work every two.
I'll read and write,
Even at night.
I've more than enough to say.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Math Monday: Multiplication
Four bees times five
Is twenty bees in a hive.
Three times six
Is eighteen comics.
Ten stalks of cauliflower times zero
Is zero, so throw out these veggies and be a hero.
One sun times one
Is one bright yellow sun.
Three times four
I want a dozen donuts more.
One plus one or one times two
Is two humans or me and you.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Product Review Sunday: Leap Frog My Pal Scout
For an eager young boy.
Here, Scout belongs.
He sings good songs.
He teaches colors and sounds.
Put two together and they sing rounds.
He can play a game,
And he knows your child's name.
Scout knows his favorite food to chew,
Along with his animal and color, too.
The puppy helps him spell,
And count very well.
There is even a setting to help put my son to sleep.
This product has high value and is cheap.
Scout makes my son smile.
So, he'll be around awhile.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Science Saturday: The Moon
Be seen during the day, it also might.
Some say it is made of cheese.
Perhaps if that was true, it would please.
Though, it is made of rock.
Humans have been on the moon during a spacewalk.
They take long trips to it in spaceships.
The moon can also block sunlight in an eclipse.
It is also the reason for the tides.
From Earth's view, it does not change sides.
The moon does a lot for us.
Having it next to us is a plus.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Food Friday: Mango
Its tropical flavor is kind
And it has a tiny yellow-green rind.
It goes well with chicken and fish
Or really any meat dish.
It is good in salsa and hot sauce.
Even in a smoothie, it can be a flavor boss.
Work it into icecream with a frozen stone.
It's even a great snack alone.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Animal ABC's
Bears make scary wails.
Cats have claws.
Dogs have paws.
Eagles fly high.
Ferrets are spry.
Gerbils are cute.
Humans eat fruit.
Iguanas like the sun.
Junebugs are fun.
Kangaroos hop.
Lobsters antennae move nonstop.
Manatees are cows of the sea.
Nurse sharks are harmless as can be.
Owls are a hoot.
Penguins wear a suit.
Quail wear hats.
Rats are chased by cats.
Sloths move slowly.
Tigers have stripes, holy moly.
Urchins are spiny.
Vampire bats are tiny.
Wolves come in a pack.
X-ray tetras' hearing isn't a lack.
Yettis are scary and may bite.
Zebras are black and white.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Dude, I chewed mood food.
I read to my redhead instead in his bed.
We took charge of the large margerine barge with Marge.
For kicks, we fix six mixes as the clock ticks.
Late, we wait to open the gate at eight.
It fell as we tell about the smell of the spell we won't quell.
Teeny green trees between
The stars are far from my car.
So high in the sky is why we love pie.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Broken, but not forever
Life is full of people who will hurt you.
They will stomp on your feelings too.
They enjoy power
And making you go sour.
Daily, you are harmed.
Daily, you feel alarmed.
They will not care.
Life is not fair.
Don't let them win.
Protect yourself within.
Don't fade.
Get aid.
Show them that you survive.
You are well and alive.
Your instinct, you must trust.
Move on and leave behind the dust.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Science Saturday: Lightning
And in the clouds roll.
The mean grey puffs are dark.
We're at the park.
The old wood gives Daddy a splinter.
It's been warm this winter.
For a little while, we play.
Up until now, it's been a nice day.
The wind strongly gusts.
Mommy's purse strap busts.
Then, we hear a thunder clap.
I hold onto my cap.
Daddy says we must go now.
The wind whistles and there's a loud pow.
Then we see the bright strings.
Another bang it brings.
Lightning is not safe, says Mummy.
There are butterflies in my tummy.
I'm worried about the weather spectical.
She says lightning is electrical.
Just like a light bulb, it makes light.
There are purples and blues, and even white.
Lightning can touch the ground or another cloud.
Lightning rods are inventions of which we are proud.
The metal creates attraction.
This keeps us safe, since it's a distraction.
The rain follows too.
If this wasn't scary, I'd enjoy the view.
We are alarmed.
But we run inside unharmed.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Food Friday: Lemons
They are small and cute.
They are the shape of a football.
The lemon tree is very tall.
Lemons are yellow.
The flavor is mellow.
It can also be sour.
Our tree drops one an hour.
Buy them in a super mart.
Bake them in a tart.
They can also be made
Into sweet lemonade,
Squeeze on fish,
Or a chicken dish.
Lemons add flavor
To refresh and savor.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Weekend Wonder
Winds gust gently on a warm winter weekend.
I grasp wet sand and grimace when my legs bend.
The beach doesn't smell like a peach.
I glance at a pink shell and reach.
In my balcony chair, I hope this won't end.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Evening Rainbows
The sky is blue.
The weather is mellow.
Tonight, we'll have stew.
Grass is green.
Pigs are pink.
On with your homework routine.
Don't have a caffeine drink.
Eggplants are violet.
Rubies are red.
Enjoy the orange sunset.
Now, let's go into bed.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Too Warm
Today was one of the hottest days on record.
It is January, so heat is absurd.
Only last week, forties were the lows.
Sometimes South Texas weather is weird, I suppose.
A jacket, pants, and slippers, I would have preferred.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Math Monday: Kite
Two diagonals; one is wide.
One is also short as these are the support.
Kites are used for sport.
Some have art.
To keep it in the air, one has to be smart.
Kites need strong wind.
Watch out for trees where they may be pinned.
Try not to rip them, one can hope.
Attach a kite to a rope.
Some have a tail.
Through the air, kites easily sail.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Patience, My Dear
There is no need to fear.
The sun will rise.
Reading will make one wise.
The water will boil.
The hose will uncoil.
The chicken will cross.
Listen to the boss.
Work will be done.
Games will be won.
Time, one needs to find.
The rewards will be kind.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Science Saturday: Kelvin
It shows the absolute zero treasure.
This zero is the coldest known.
In that, we could be frozen to the bone.
It is an extension of the Celsius degrees.
Conversion between the two is a breeze.
Zero kelvin minus two hundred seventy-three point one-five.
Humans would need a lot of coats to stay warm and alive.
To stay out in this cold,
One would have to be bold.
To stay out in absolute zero,
One would have to be a hero.
Water freezes at the blink of an eye.
To say it would be unpleasant isn't a lie.
To stay warm, one would have to use science,
To make a heating appliance.
This public notice has been brought to you by Melvin:
The boy studying sciency things, including the Kelvin.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Food Friday: Kiwifruit
The kiwi is fuzzy and brown on the outside.
It's green and chewy on the inside.
The fruit is sweet.
The skin you don't eat.
Inside, there are tiny black seeds.
There are many animals it feeds.
Humans like to mix it with strawberry.
This is a soothing fruit, even though it's hairy.
Kiwis you should pack,
For a delicious snack.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
You feel warm and fuzzy inside.
The sun shines bright.
You stand to your full height.
Your eyes open up wide.
Perhaps this feeling will last awhile.
The birds sing a pretty song.
Kitties perform a little dance.
You eat your favorite lunch
And read or play games as you munch.
Stoplights turn green so you can advance.
Nothing can go wrong.
When you're happy, you smile.
It will be an easy and short mile.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Busy Bee
I'm a busy bee.
I prance to the park at three.
Free of clouds, I see.
I feel the cool air.
A dream of wind, do I dare?
There, I glimpse a mare.
Soon, I wonder back;
Follow the red and black track;
Crack the blue backpack.
I will eat my cheese.
The day puts me at quick ease.
Breeze and a break please!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Aquarium
The wind blows cool.
The sun shines bright.
Dolphins swim in the pool.
Sea otters play fight.
The sting ray glides under water.
The parrot balances on a teeter totter.
Jellyfish float around.
Sound asleep was the alligator we found.
The bald eagle perches tall.
The huge snake does a creepy crawl.
The shark patrols the seas.
The Queen Angelfish flees.
Pet the starfish gently.
The pirhana's name is Bently.
We must come back and see what lurks.
Kids and aquarium visits have their perks.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Food Friday: JalapeƱo
The pepper is green.
It's fairly spicy, you know.
The hotness level, to many, is mean.
I like to eat them stuffed with cheese.
They go well in salsa and chicken.
I'll take them as fried chips, please!
They're hot, so my pulse tends to quicken.
Before these peppers go bad,
They turn a bright red. It's rad!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Good Deed
I heard an urgent sound.
An old man fell to the ground.
He cried out in pain and me, he found.
I helped the man rebound.
Happily, now he can get around.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Tales Tuesday: Lex, The Iguana
He eats flora as a fauna.
Kale and carrots are his favorite food.
He quickly chomps away in a good mood.
He basques in sunlight to help digestion.
I offer more light and he nods at the suggestion.
He's a reptile with scales.
Iguanas have regenerative tales.
He grows bigger and sheds his skin.
Sometimes I wonder if iguanas can grin.
I let him roam and we play.
He climbs up things all day.
He scales the tallest "tree" in the room.
Thinking he's a king, I presume.
He loves it when I tickle his neck.
Sometimes he returns a tongue peck.
I give him baths in the tub
He slithers and I scrub.
He rests again at night.
Out goes the light.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Math Monday: Infinity
I try to count up to it in my slumber.
Infinity is a number we cannot count.
It is a galactically large amount.
You can draw it by making a sideways eight.
It's a name for the very large. Isn't that great?
It can be a positive
Or a negative.
Trying to reach it will waste a day.
Infinity goes a very long way.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Reading is a Gift!
Reading is a gift.
Learning words is swift.
The more you read, the better you get.
Thank your teachers and do not forget.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Inertia: Resist Change
This is when an object's state
Is at rest or a constant motion fate.
A tree is consistently at rest.
A building will resist moving when pressed.
The planets are always on the go.
And so is the "once was a planet," Pluto.
Humans seem to move at a constant fast pace.
Life is not a race.
We should stop and glimpse an inert rose.
And even smell the soon to be blooming plant, I suppose.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Gone Too Early
The selfish people show their greed.
Cooperation, they must heed.
Disarm your defenses
And come to your senses.
Let us save the children, I plead.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
What Dreams May Become
I control my dreams.
Can I control others' dreams?
Reality beams...
You cannot be hurt,
Unless you fall in the dirt.
A nice freefall spurt.
Dreams are pretty cool.
Except if it's a space pool.
I use my key tool.
Clocks are in a box.
The small key surely unlocks.
My thoughts fly like hawks.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
A Child's Smile
A child's smile,
Surely, it takes a while.
Cheesing in style.
Blue and brown wide eyes
Are before a brain so wise.
Large heads can't disguise.
Oh happy small one.
You're a tall boy on the run.
I love you, my son.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
I Am A Cheeseburger
With seven extra pickles.
Two patties make me bigger.
Mushrooms give me tickles.
Tomatoes pull double duty
As sauce and slices.
I am now a fruity cutie.
Add some pepper spices.
Introduce lettuce and onions.
Give me clothing of wheat bread.
Sesame seeds are my minions.
Ditch the mustard-mayo spread.
I wouldn't be a cheeseburger
Without cheddar cheese.
If I'm taken, catch the burgler.
BFF, hold me close, please.
Now top with bacon.
Let's get shaken.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Play Day
The sun is yellow.
The rays brightly beam.
The weather is mellow.
Let's go play as a team.
The grass is green.
The air is cool.
Let's put on sun screen
And play in the pool.
My vest is blue.
You zig and zag.
I chase after you
As we play laser tag.
The sky becomes pink.
The lamps bring us light.
My energy starts to sink.
Let us say goodnight.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
A Surprise Encounter
We debark to the park
To feed the ducks.
The sky is pretty dark.
A pigeon and seagull influx
Bombards our car.
I laugh and scream.
I discard food puffs, like a pulsing star.
I'm having fun with our failed duck-feeding scheme.
Food flies, while I run.
I don't want bird poop on my head.
The food is all gone. Now we're done.
I'm sad the ducks weren't fed.
Yet, bread and puffs didn't go to waste.
The sky-rats will be back, since they had a taste.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Save the Children
We must protect our child
From being defiled.
We must give them aid
When they're afraid.
We must comfort
When they're hurt.
We must listen hard,
When their heart's charred.
These crimes are brainless.
These victims aren't stainless.
Criminals aren't born mean.
They learn to make a crime scene.
What evils do we teach?
We must save each.
We must save our youth.
We must spread the truth.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Colorful Nights
Green stars and yellow bats.
Red cars and bright blue hats.
Orange tights.
White lights.
Fighting all the brown rats.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Perfect Pies
It's the beginning of January.
Pies with white chocolate and four berry,
Smell magical in the air.
I jealously pout and stare.
Others will eat these pies and be merry.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
It is New Years Day.
It's as cold as May.
I'm looking forward to what's ahead.
I will avoid a hospital bed.
Let's have fun and play.